Index of surnames
Eva (Chawele) Porjes (1818 - 1899)
Anton Grunhut Fanschi Grunhut Julie Grunhut Moritz Grunhut Franz Grunhut Leonore (Lori) Grunhut Moses Porjes Levioh Levioli
Eva (Chawele) Porjes
Eva (Chawele) Porjes += Leonore (Lori) Grunhut
Eva (Chawele) Porjes Leonore (Lori) Grunhut
b. 1818 at Pezinok, Slovakia
m. Anton Grunhut ( - 1868)
d. 18 Jun 1899 at Bratislava, Slovakia aged 81
Events in Eva (Chawele) Porjes (1818 - 1899)'s life
Date Age Event Place Src
1818 Eva (Chawele) Porjes was born Pezinok, Slovakia
18 Jun 1899 81 Eva (Chawele) Porjes died Bratislava, Slovakia
Personal Notes:
Pezinok was once known as Bösing.
That 'she lived with foster parents and was a foundling' is stated in notes by Henry Goldsmith.
Her birth certificate states:
"No. 49, Birth Certificate
That the daughter Eva of the deceased married couple Moses Porjes and his wife Levioh, who had resided here, was born here in the sovereign free-city Bösing, Pressburg in the year 1818, because of lack of registration at that time, will be, according to the statement of 2 credible witnesses at the rabbinical office, signed and sealed in confirmation of this fact.
Bösing 5 July 1857
David Schlesinger
Rabbi in Bösing."